About CRAFT-Education

CRAFT-Education is a company that teaches various topics in the field of industry (4.0). They offer courses, workshops and training programs for companies and individuals. The courses are taught by experts in their field and are often hands-on. I joined the company to help them with their digital ambitions. This included improving their learning environment, digitalising their business processes and building a website for their online courses.

Optimizing business processes with Laravel

A part of my time at was spent optimizing various business processes. One of them being time registration and invoicing, created in Laravel. The tool allows employee to register their time and the system keeps a log, raises events (e.g. when a new month starts) and allows employees to easily requests days off or other types of absence such as time for time or sick leave. It’s currently being used by all employee.

The UI is very basic though this was not the focus of the project. Both the UI and UX will be improved in the future as the project is still in development. That being said, it works without page reloads and already improved the quality of life and efficiency compared to the previous system which was excel sheets and emails.

Urentool screenshot 1
Place where users register their worked hour, booked under clients -> projects and optionally tasks
Urentool screenshot 2
Overview for administrators and managers of the registered hours per project

Craft CMS E-commerce website

I built the website for CRAFT-Education and included a store for their online courses. The store is built with Craft CMS and uses Mollie as a payment gateway. Check it out!

Learning environment in Moodle

Moodle is a learning management system which is used by CRAFT-Education to provide their students with a learning environment. I was tasked with improving the user experience and the overall look and feel of the platform. This was done by creating a custom theme and custom plugins. The theme is based on the Boost theme and is fully responsive. The plugins are used to add custom functionality to the platform such as a custom login page, a custom profile page and a custom dashboard.

E-learning platform
Screenshot of the e-learning platform

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